Saturday, February 4, 2012

A rough day....

Today was filled with an extremely large amount of stressful situations.
Eva Mae didn't nap but 45 mins today.
She was SUPER clingy.
Her melts downs were RIDICULOUS!
I managed to get NOTHING done except a 2 minute shower.
I cleaned and disenfected Eva Mae's changing table and bed because she has learned to undo her diaper as well as having a blow out...yes TMI...
I gave her 2 baths because of the above statement.
She refused to eat 75% of the foods I made for her today.

The Up sides of today:
She is REALLY hard to stay upset at.
We found out she LOVES eggplant.
Her smile is SUPER contagious!
I got her to FINALLY go to sleep tonight : )

This whole teething thing...ya it's possibly the worst thing EVER! I'm hoping to see more teeth soon...

A glass of wine is JUST what I needed! I'm EXHAUSTED from today!! I think I earned about 10 gold stars on my Mommy chart : )

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