Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Exciting News

Such exciting news! Eva Mae is now a WALKING MACHINE!! She moves SO quickly! Who would have thought! She also started saying, Hot. Hi. and Daddy. She knows the sign language sign for "More"...well sort of she claps...BUT she still using that as wanting more of something. She LOVES hide and seek! She gives kisses and hugs like crazy! We love how Love able she is right now! She is a bottomless pit! Loving fruits and veggies! Plus, mac n cheese, toast with cream cheese, grilled cheese, and chicken!! Those are all newly introduced besides chicken.

She had her LAST G.I. appointment on Monday! She weighs 18lbs 15oz! Which made me SO happy to hear because he last well check appointment the doctor was concerned because from having the flu she lost weight, which in turn made her in a lower percentile of where she needed to be! Her G.I. doctor told me that she no longer needs to see him because she seems to be doing VERY well with her Reflux. He did remind me that just because she is no longer on her medication doesn't mean that her reflux has gone away. It just means that now her body is able to handle the reflux!! YAY!!!

So I am EXHAUSTED! Dustin has been out of town since Monday so I've been working and caring for Eva Mae non stop. He doesn't get home until Thursday evening...Then he's home for the weekend, then leaves again Monday til Thursday evening....It's going to be a LOOOONG 2 weeks! I will be in for a MUCH needed Mommy break! 

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