Friday, February 10, 2012


So Dainty has become a pretty big part of my life...I LOVE creating pretty little things knowing that they will be worn on some pretty little girl! I FIANLLY started and finished Eva Mae's Valentine's Day tutu!
I've been told by some friends on my So Dainty page that I need to ditch the paper towel roll and get an actual stand to model my tutus...problem is they are SO expensive! I'm going to have to track one down via craigslist or ebay....I also finished my order of 15 custom hair clips! Here's a peek at a few that I made...

I made a few headbands FINALLY for Eva Mae! All of her headbands that either I made or she's recieved as gifts are getting too small and roll off her head. I can't wait to start working on her lady bug tutu and headband! I've already got 98% of her wings finished. I'm having a hard time trying to find black satin ribbon without having to order it online.

I'm going start putting together felt flowers for So Dainty too! I'm pretty excited about those! I'm just hoping everyone else will too : )

Well off I go to do a little crafting! I hope everyone has a Fabulous day!

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