Sunday, January 29, 2012

Things are looking up!!!

I booked my first So Dainty party for March! I'm SO excited!! The gal that I made The Very Hungry Caterpillar tutu and headband for, asked me to make 30 clips for her daughters birthday party! I am having the girls pick from 5 different felt fruits as well as what ribbons they want, and I will assemble them right then and there! I can't wait!!!

I ALSO made my first sale for Herbalife! I'm SO excited!!! Things really are looking up and I couldn't be more excited about it!!

On another note Eva Mae is now attempting more to stand up all by herself! If she is sitting say on your leg she just stands up on her own! I can't believe she could be walking by the time she is a year old! AH Mommy and Daddy aren't ready!!

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