It's CRAZY how fast your day can go from great to not so great in a matter of an hour!
Eva Mae didn't wake up until 7:50am which is unheard of! Which was a nice treat for me because I was able to sleep in too! We got up, I changed her and we headed into the kitchen were she gobbled down 1/4 an orange, some chopped up apple, a big bowl of oatmeal, 1/4 piece of whole wheat toast and a little more than 7oz of formlua. While she was eating I was able to make my morning shake with oranges, apples, and bananas. I was even able to sit down and drink it with her! This rarely happens too. Then when we were both finished we went into the living room to play. We enjoyed about 30mins of mommy and Eva Mae time until Dustin's daughter woke up....and from there I don't know why but my mood changed and I don't know if it's because she doesn't say Eva Mae, she says Eva, and I'm just so tired of repeating myself to have her say her full name, or if it's because she repeats it over and over 100 times. I must say I appreciate and LOVE how much Eva Mae and Hayley get along. How Hayley ADORES Eva Mae and vise versa. I LOVE that Hayley will tend to her if I need to go do the dishes, or change. This doesn't happen very often...MAYBE 2 weekends out of the month...So perhaps it's because I'm used to having a routine with just Eva Mae and I because Dustin is working....but I think maybe I need to change the way I think and look at that situation. Try to be a little more accepting.
To get to the Not to Great part: Have you ever experienced an Emotion Transfer? Where someone comes in all huffy and puffy, up set about Something that has just happened to them? Well that's EXACTLY what happened to me. Dustin was on a service call this morning and had been gone since 6am. Well after his service call he went to go cash his check. He went to Walmart, and the people there told him that they couldn't cash it because the machine couldn't tell if it was a bad check or not. So he calls me all in a rage. I tell him them try somewhere else. So he says fine and hangs up quickly. About 20 mins later he comes barging in the door saying how mad he is because when he went to his bank, his bank told him they'd have to put a hold on the check, or if he was to cash it they wouldn't be able to clear the full amount because again they weren't sure if it was a bad check or not. Let me just say we've NEVER had problems with cashing his work checks, so for this to happen it was a little overwhelming. Anyways, so he's stomping and pacing around the house. His anxious energy is sloooowly creeping on me because now I'm getting frustrated trying to figure out what to do. While trying to calm him down, which isn't helping, and all the while listening to this BANG BANG BANG from one of Eva Mae's toys that Hayley keeps banging....Needless to say I finally just tell him to try another Walmart and see what happens if it doesn't work we will figure something else out. I tell him take Hayley with you because she hasn't had breakfast you can pick something up on the way. Sure enough 30 mins pass and he tells me that this Walmart could cash his check. BUT he now has to go on another service call, therefore he has to take Hayley home, and our plans for today have to be put on hold until tomorrow....
I'm trying to think of the upside, he is now making money instead of us spending money. He WAS able to cash his check which is a total relief! I now get to relax a little longer at home because Eva Mae is already asleep for her morning nap. It makes me crazy thinking that ALL of that can change a persons mood SO quickly and have SUCH an impact on those they come in contact with...Hopefully we can turn this day around!!