Monday, August 13, 2012

Lemonade Stand Photo Shoot

I was able to get together with my friend Victoria who has a small business called "Cuz She's Crafty." She does photography as well as prodcuts for partys.

I have created the tutu, the hanging tutu pom poms and the headband.

The tutu is $22.00. The headband is $ 10.00. The hanging pom poms at $5.00 each.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

15 Months

Already 15 months old! We can not believe how fast the days are flying by! Eva Mae amazes us every single day! Running, singing, dancing and even talking a little! She is SO smart!
Eva Mae has a real spit fire personality now. She has an opinion about everything, just like her momma. She is getting more and more independent by the day. She is still as lovable and cuddly as ever though. She gives you kisses on the run, and flashes you smiles that melt your heart. Not a day goes by where I think how truly lucky I am to have such a beautiful little girl. She completes our little family. 

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Love for planning parties...

To start off I'd like to say how EXCITED I am that my very good friend Nicole is having a little boy!! She found out this morning and I couldn't be happier for her and her boyfriend!

With that said...This is where the title of this post comes in...
I will be planning Nicole's baby shower!
I LOVE to plan parties! Any type of party! I planned a 6 month cup cake party for Eva Mae just  because I was in the mood to plan a party! Any excuse I can find to get my creative juices flowing I will find it!

So in looking through a zillion Pinterest boards, I came to the conclusion, ( with Nicole's approval ) that I am going to through her a "Little Man" Baby Shower!!
This will include: Bow Ties, Mustaches, yummy treat, Onesie Cloths line, Tie Banners, Etc! She wants to have the colors be blue and green. I am SO excited to plan this  : )

As of right now I have to finish planning and putting together the Lemonade Stand, then I can move to heavy planning for the baby shower! PLUS, all in between plan for our wedding next June! Ah! The amount of excitment I have is ridiculous!

I would love to put together a portfolio of not only my So Dainty line, But all of the Parties I have and will put together! I would LOVE to some day have or be a part of a party planning service!
Anyone know how I can get this dream to be a reality!?

Saturday, July 7, 2012

It's been awhile...

I realized it's been awhile since I have done any blogging!

Things in my life have been crazy!

Things are slowing down a little bit...I have been TRYING to get So Dainty up and running. It's a slow start but I have faith that I can make it "big". I have connected with a friend of mine who has started her own business called, "Cuz She's Crafty" and we are trying to put together a small summer shoot to help advertise what she does as well as what I can do! Pictures will be posted as soon as we get it finished! I have high hopes for So Dainty!
You can find me Via Facebook:

Monday, May 21, 2012


I have been TRYING to lose weight since Eva Mae was born. I had no such luck with the miracle weight lose that everyone talked about when you breast feed. I, at the time, was dealing with bigger issues...Not producing enough milk, Eva Mae being in the hospital for 9 days at 3 weeks old., not to mention the crazy doctors appointments after we were told Eva Mae has sleep apnea and acid reflux! So for 6 months or so losing weight was pushed to the back of my priority list. Finally about 3 or 4 months ago I decided enough is enough! My friend told me about Herbalife. I thought sure why not. What do I have to lose at this point?! I felt like I'd tried everything else. Right away the weight came off! I was so thrilled! I slowly learned though that my challenge of eating better and getting off my lazy but would take some time and motivation.
I have had bad days and good days, which is expected. We've had birthday parties, holidays, and of course late nights which some drinking was involved ( Away from Eva Mae of course). Some days I would get so discouraged because I felt like just when I'd take 2 steps forward I had some how taken 3 steps backwards!
All in all though, as of this past Friday I have lost 11.7lbs! Only 5.3lbs away from my goal! Finding this out has given me a new sense of hope that I CAN do this! I CAN reach my goal! With a little push each day I know I can make it happen!

Monday, May 7, 2012

13 Months and Mommy and Me

I can't believe Eva Mae is already 13 months! Where did the year go!? All that planning for her birthday seems like a million years ago! I can't believe how fast it came and went...

Eva Mae and I have been in our Mommy and me class now for a little more than 3 weeks and she LOVES it! I love the interaction with all the moms and it's nice seeing that Eva Mae isn't the only child in the world that screams when she wants something or can't sit still!

Adventures with my Hunny Bean

Adventure #1: Aquarium in Long Beach
Looking at the Rays with Auntie Lindsey. Eva Mae wouldn't touch the Rays but loved splashing in the water.

Eva Mae loved looking at the Jelly Fish swim in front of her.

Eva Mae kept giving us her surprised looked as she was watching the very LARGE sharks swim past the glass.

Getting wet with Auntie Lindsey, Uncle Ben and Uncle Josh. 

After the Aquarium we went to Downtown Main Street in Huntington Beach. Eva Mae LOVED skooting around in the sand. Not to mention running and falling it. She was SO dirty afterwards...thus proves she had fun!

Adventure #2: Golden View Farm in Huntington Beach
Eva Mae was in love with the bunnies! She kept trying to pet them but they were very skidish and would run away from her.

The Geese behind Eva Mae literally came out of no where. They were honking and running towards all the other families who were feeding the animals. Eva Mae of course being curious, turned around right after I took this picture and started running for the group!

A Highlight of the day was Eva Mae feeding the bunnies lettuce and chasing after them. As soon as she got close enough she would toss the lettuce down and run away! If she saw they didn't take the lettuce she would pick it back up and move in a little closer then drop the lettuce and run away!

Adventure #3: Los Angeles Zoo in Los Angeles
We just arrived at the zoo!!

Eva Mae was able to meet Bert and Ernie! We were pleasantly surprised there were no tears!

I was telling Eva Mae she couldn't scream and she had to be quiet because all of the koalas were sleeping in the trees.

Our attempt to get Eva Mae to nap failed. However, she was enjoying the shade and we were happy she was atleast resting.

Family photo in front of the Giraffes.

Eva Mae and her friend Reagan playing in the water and loving every minute of it!

This was, I think, Eva Mae's favorite part of the zoo. We had given up hopes that we would see the elephants so we decided to head home. As we walked past the elephant exhibit again, there was an elephant!! Eva Mae kept pointing and looking at me with her mouth wide open. She just stared at it in amazment! I started making my elephant noise and Eva Mae quickly joined in! For 10 mins she made the elephant sound!

Eva Mae finally fell asleep in the stroller while making our way to the car. She didn't even move when Dustin put her in her car seat! I'd say all in all, the zoo was a successful adventure!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Things in my life right now!

So I notice I have been blogging about the BIG events in my life and leaving out the little events...The "Every day" events...So with that said here are a few things that are happening...

 Herbalife has slowly changed my life! I have been doing a weight loss challenge for almost 7 weeks and I have lost almost 10lbs and who knows how many inches! I feel AMAZING! I am FINALLY at my pre-pregnancy weight! I am now eating like I should have been my whole life and the encouragement and support I have recieved has helped me stay focused to reach my goals!

I just recently bought this at Barnes N Noble and I am SO excited to start using it! Eva Mae has become super picky with eating her veggies and I want to make sure that she is getting all the vitamins and healthy foods as possible. This cook book helps to incorporate veggies and fruit into the everyday yummy foods that kids and adults love! 

Eva Mae and I planted our Aloe plant today! Its name is Aloe Alin. We picked this up at the Aquarium last weekend. I was shocked to read that Aloe helps treat over 200 human health issues! Who knew! I really want to try and plant more little plants like this every once and a while...I feel like it would be 1 more plant helping out the environment.

So Dainty has also become a piece of me. I have had a steady flow of orders and each order I get I am SO excited to start! This is a picture of my last order...I am in LOVE with the headband. The flower/feather part can actually come off into a clip. I sadly didn't get the opportunity to put my products in the store that had contacted me...they said that they already have product like mine in their store...whatever that means...She did say that she would keep me posted on if she would like them to be in her store when the other products sell we will see...In the mean time I am happy just making other people happy with the orders that I do have coming in : )

That is just some of what is going on in my life right now...Lords knows that really is just the tip of the ice berg!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


We enjoyed Easter at my grandmothers house who lives in Long Beach. I was a gorgeous day! My sister came in from Texas for the weekend, as well as my step brothers are here visiting from England for 3 weeks! We had an AMAZING breakfast! Pancakes, eggs, bagels, crumpits, bacon, strawberries and cream! I was SO full. Eva Mae did her first egg hunt. She Loved every minute of it too. She has this new "I'm Super Surprised" facial expression that is hilarious! She made that face everytime she found an egg! We were able to spend the majority of the day laying on the lawn blowing bubbles and just soaking up all the warm sun!

Here are some pictures:

Auntie Lindsey making magic by making eggs appear within eggs!

The "AH! Oh my Gosh I'm SO surprised" Look : )

Eva Mae turns 1!

It is hard to believe that my little girl is 1! Her birthday party was a success, thankfully! Of course the day had a ton of bumps! I was stressed out and nothing seemed to be going the way I had planned...I was supposed to have family come over to my house to watch Eva Mae while I went to pick up a few things and help set up with Dustin at the park...That didn't happen. I had to make a few phone calls for people to help me pick up the last items we needed...I didn't get to the park until 11:30..the party started at 12..PLUS once I got there it started raining, then the gal who was supposed to take pictures cancelled on me literally at noon, So needless to say I had a full on melt down at the park because like I said at the time I felt like nothing was going as planned...Thankfully I had a couple of friends there to help me rush everything over to a covered table so the rain didn't ruin anything...we set everything up just in time! The day ended up being beautiful and sunny! I had some friends take pictures. Dustin and I were able to really enjoy ourselves and celebrate our special Eva Mae : )

Here are some photos on Eva Mae in her Lady Bug outfit I made for her:
 Family Photo! I am SO happy with how everything turned out!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Eva Mae Turns 1

The Day Eva Mae was Born!

Today is Eva Mae's first birthday! I can't believe that a year ago yesterday Dustin and I were enjoying dinner with some friends and at the time I had no idea that I was in labor let alone having contractions. I just didn't feel like eating, soup was what I ended up having for dinner, plus every once and a while my stomach would get tight. That I thought was just the Braxton Hicks, which I had been having for a few weeks prior. The funny part was, where we were eating was literally right next to our hospital. After dinner, Dustin and I decided that we should stop off at the store so Dustin could get some drinks to go into his "Daddy Bag." While I was waiting in the car I kept getting this uncomfortable sensations. Then some light cramping. So I'm texting him to hurry up! So we get home and I tell him whats going on. He says to me that I need to sit down and we will time what now I'm assuming are contractions. So I sit down and wait for my stomach to feel tight and then release...well come to find out it was happening every minute and half to a minute. I then tell him I need to use the restroom..I will keep that to myself it's TMI for everyone else...But I scream to Dustin saying, "IT'S TIME TO GO!" He yells back, "ARE YOU SURE?!" I go, "YES I'M SURE!!" So we get into the car and the drive is pretty much a blur! I remember driving past the mall and getting off the freeway. The next thing I know is we are at the front desk and I can barely talk to tell them that I am in labor! So they put me in a room, hook me up to machines, check everything! They confirm that I am in fact in labor....2 cm dialated already! So Dustin makes the phone calls to our family and friends! My mom, and sisters were in the room with us..which was nice because it helped take my mind off the contractions...which I went drug free for about 4 hours until my contractions were literally on top of each other and I got stuck in the bathroom and couldn't walk! So I said NOPE I'm done I want the epidural! I am SO happy that I did! I was able to rest a little bit and enjoy the last part with Dustin. Then my Doctor was on call at 7:00am came in to check on 9:10am I was pushing and at 9:57am Eva Mae was born! March 25th, 2011, 7lbs 7oz, 20 1/4 inches long! Word's can't even describe the joy and happiness that came over me! My first thought when I saw her was HOW BEAUTIFUL she was! I was so glad that my sister Kelly and Dustin could be there for that special moment! I will remember that for the rest of my life!

So today we had a small party to celebrate our STILL ( much more ) Beautiful Eva Mae's birthday!
The Birthday Girl!!

Enjoying some lunch before her cup cake!

Eva Mae's very first Cup Cake! Strawberries and Cream!

 She enjoyed the frosting more than she enjoyed the cupcake!

Mommy was more excited about her getting new Sparkly Red Toms than Eva Mae was! She just wanted to chew on them!

Hurray for building blocks from Nana!!