Monday, May 21, 2012


I have been TRYING to lose weight since Eva Mae was born. I had no such luck with the miracle weight lose that everyone talked about when you breast feed. I, at the time, was dealing with bigger issues...Not producing enough milk, Eva Mae being in the hospital for 9 days at 3 weeks old., not to mention the crazy doctors appointments after we were told Eva Mae has sleep apnea and acid reflux! So for 6 months or so losing weight was pushed to the back of my priority list. Finally about 3 or 4 months ago I decided enough is enough! My friend told me about Herbalife. I thought sure why not. What do I have to lose at this point?! I felt like I'd tried everything else. Right away the weight came off! I was so thrilled! I slowly learned though that my challenge of eating better and getting off my lazy but would take some time and motivation.
I have had bad days and good days, which is expected. We've had birthday parties, holidays, and of course late nights which some drinking was involved ( Away from Eva Mae of course). Some days I would get so discouraged because I felt like just when I'd take 2 steps forward I had some how taken 3 steps backwards!
All in all though, as of this past Friday I have lost 11.7lbs! Only 5.3lbs away from my goal! Finding this out has given me a new sense of hope that I CAN do this! I CAN reach my goal! With a little push each day I know I can make it happen!

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