Wednesday, April 11, 2012


We enjoyed Easter at my grandmothers house who lives in Long Beach. I was a gorgeous day! My sister came in from Texas for the weekend, as well as my step brothers are here visiting from England for 3 weeks! We had an AMAZING breakfast! Pancakes, eggs, bagels, crumpits, bacon, strawberries and cream! I was SO full. Eva Mae did her first egg hunt. She Loved every minute of it too. She has this new "I'm Super Surprised" facial expression that is hilarious! She made that face everytime she found an egg! We were able to spend the majority of the day laying on the lawn blowing bubbles and just soaking up all the warm sun!

Here are some pictures:

Auntie Lindsey making magic by making eggs appear within eggs!

The "AH! Oh my Gosh I'm SO surprised" Look : )

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