Sunday, August 21, 2011

More Hands

I wish on days like today I had more hands!!

My Fiance is golfing this morning and who knows when he'll be back. My plans for the day were to clean our apartment from top to bottom! Every base board, every dusty surface! Unfortunately, when our little girl wakes up I have to put all cleaning on hold to tend to her...not that I don't love's just my momentum is then slowed and it takes me twice as long to my Fiance was here I'd be grateful if he tended to her and I continued to clean but.....that's not case...this is when I'd love to have more arms and hands, or just more of me!

People weren't kidding when they say children are exhausting!! I don't know how single parents do it! Even though the last 3 days that's how I've felt because my Fiance has been on call for work so it's just been me and the baby...which needless to say, I'm EXHAUSTED!! Today isn't helping either....

Well there's my rant. Off to the baby I go... 

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