Sunday, August 21, 2011

More Hands

I wish on days like today I had more hands!!

My Fiance is golfing this morning and who knows when he'll be back. My plans for the day were to clean our apartment from top to bottom! Every base board, every dusty surface! Unfortunately, when our little girl wakes up I have to put all cleaning on hold to tend to her...not that I don't love's just my momentum is then slowed and it takes me twice as long to my Fiance was here I'd be grateful if he tended to her and I continued to clean but.....that's not case...this is when I'd love to have more arms and hands, or just more of me!

People weren't kidding when they say children are exhausting!! I don't know how single parents do it! Even though the last 3 days that's how I've felt because my Fiance has been on call for work so it's just been me and the baby...which needless to say, I'm EXHAUSTED!! Today isn't helping either....

Well there's my rant. Off to the baby I go... 

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Yes, I hate to even say it. The last week or so I have been BORED out of my mind when the baby goes down for her naps! I can't seem to keep myself occupied!! I've cleaned and cleaned and cleaned! I don't want to clean anymore!

I need a hobby is what I've realized! I have ALL these wants, but I just haven't gotten around to doing them! I wanted to start making my own baby head bands. Haven't done it. I wanted to start baking. Haven't done it. I'd love to start sewing or knitting. I need to re-learn that. I keep saying I'll do these things, but never end up doing them or never finish what I start! I need to just buckle down and do it!! I'm thinking once I go back to work and get my first pay check I will head down to Micheals craft store and get some material!

I wish planning parties weren't so expensive! I'd have a party every weekend if I could!! New theme each time : ) Sadly I can't! Perhaps people will let me plan parties for them!! That would be amazing! I would prefer kids parties! They are so much more fun to design! Not to mention it would give me some practice for when Eva Mae has parties!!

So September is going to be my magical month of getting a hobby! Wish me luck!

Sunday, August 14, 2011


I have my opinions with certain things. I struggle with realizing that people view the world differently and that they bend rules more easily. I definitly can only bend so much...

My whole world is Eva Mae, Dustin and my family. There's nothing I wouldn't do for them. It's hard to watch when something or someone has a situation where you think that love is a big part of their life, and then realize that maybe it was just a mirage. I came to realize sometimes you just have to walk away make sure I am NOT apart of something I myself would NEVER do!

Friday, August 12, 2011

New Adventures

Having a baby has been truely amazing. I never thought you could love something so much! My little girl is 4 months and is my world! Her first month and a half of life was exciting and scary...Her being in the hospital for 9 days at only 3 weeks old was the hardest thing I think I will ever go through. No one wants to see their child being hooked up to machines, poked and in pain. I'm thankful that we got through that hard time. She is now thriving at 12lbs 7oz 23 1/2 inches! Her smiles melt my heart each day. Even through the screaming and crying I can't help but love her more and more. With everyday my life changes and she changes.

It has been busy though! On top of her doctors appointments and dealing with insurance companies, I am planning my wedding! It's been tough trying to stay within our budget! $5,000 I'm coming to realize isn't very much...but we're trying to make it work! I never knew how stressful it can be! I'm trying to have fun with it...but knowing our struggles with money and myself not working yet it's a little hard to set anything in stone just yet. Septemeber 1st, 2012 I feel is just around the corner...SO much needs to be done still...well EVERYTHING needs to be done still...except the cake. Oddly enough that's the first thing we got taken care of. One of our close friends is actually paying for it. I am so thankful for her.

As of now I'm just taking life day by day and seeing where it takes me next...Hopefully this blog will let me tell about my new experiences as a New Mom...and soon to be New Wife : )